Saturday 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Central | B52
Extra Life Table Pizza Roles is a short hidden roles game where your role is what you want on your pizza but are too timid to say. Play simulates a conversation about what kind of pizza to order with each player vying for what they want while trying not to seem overbearing. 8 Topping cards represent the game state. Gameplay consists mostly of moving these Topping cards between the 2 zones, "not on the pizza" and "on the pizza". Each player is dealt a secret Role card showing their objectives in the game and a small hand of Conversation cards they can play to manipulate the Topping cards.
Players (min / max): 1 / 6
Signed up: No one is signed up at this time.

GMs: Adam Vraspir
Skill Levels: All Skills Levels
Event Categories: Board