Staffer Steve here,

I’ve noticed a trend at every Nuke-Con where there’s always a few people who’ve forgotten the rules for the game (or games) they’re hosting / running / demoing / playing / etc. at the con. Sometimes it’s a game they’ve played many times before, but it’s been a while and so they’re scrambling as they try to shoot through the rule book two minutes before game time as they’ve forgotten some or most of the rules.

Its okay, it happens. I’m not any throwing in this glass house, for I did it once (or maybe twice) myself.

So this is my friendly “a few days before the con” reminder to spend a few minutes refreshing yourself with the rules of the games you plan to run. Even if you’re certain that you know the game inside and out, a confidence refresher never hurt anyone.

P.S. While you’re at it, it would also be a good time to look over the game contents and make sure you’ve got all the pieces. Sometimes pieces get moved around between games. Sometimes a core game piece gets put in an expansion box by mistake (this has happened to me before). In some cases, children just get curious and tool around your games when you’re not looking.

Stuff just happens sometimes so it’s a good habit to check your games ahead of time.

See you at the con!

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